Monday, November 4, 2013

Brave New World of Digital Intimacy

Thompsons main idea in this article is that you can still connect with someone using these social media and feel like you understand them. With the use of social media, one can learn more about them than they do with a face to face interaction. Mark Zuckerburg created the newsfeed so that one can see someones information on one whole page rather than searching on that persons profile. I dont think this is a good thing for literacy because this takes out the whole process of researching and finding out on your own. Ambient awareness is being able to understand a friends mood and what is going on in their life. The use of social media can promote ambient awareness, but one may not want to know exactly what is going on every day in someones life and could become annoyed by the constant updates. An ambient update would be where someone talks about how their day went and how they feel about. Social media is more "skimmable" than an e-mail because in and e-mail someone is wanting your full attention and on a social media site its not nearly as important.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Gin,TV, and Cognitive Surplus

In this article Shriky is making the argument that we should do more create and inspire rather than just watching tv or movies. Cognitive surplus is the free time that you have to think.This time is the time that youre supposed to be deep in your thoughts and creating and sharing with others. This article matters because it might help to inspire people to start blogging more about their thoughts or sharing them in some way. In this article its a little different because it is talking about how the internet and its various uses could be used to our advantage, rather than just making us stupid. As long as you are receiving and giving information, rather than just receiving, then television and movies can be a good thought developer.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Is Our Cognitive Process In Trouble?

This article is talking about how the internet is helping retrieve information, but could possibly be hurting our cognitive process of making knowledgeable thoughts on our own. It says that the internet is a quick way to gain information and its training us to only be able to focus one one thing for a short amount of time. Many have even said that can't read a few pages of a book without seeming to lose their train of thought. Literacy can be defined in this article as being able to swim deeply in your thoughts while reading rather than just skimming the top of the water. The writer provides much evidence from interviewing his colleagues and asking how the internet has affected their thinking process. The evidence seems to be very strong and convincing and could provide further research into this area.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Jeremy Clarkson

Jeremy Clarkson is one of the hosts of the British car show called Top Gear. He is very active on twitter with posting pictures, interacting with people, and he also tweets freely and pretty colorfully. He also is very sarcastic and likes to speak his mind on certain global topics. This creates an interesting and very funny twitter feed.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Social Media

I am an avid twitter, facebook, and instagram user. With these social media sites I try to tweet mainly about sports, my family/friends, and a lot about music also. With this I hope to interact with family and maybe even introduce people to new music or other subjects. Many photos I have posted lately are about the Pittsburgh Pirates, because my whole family lives there and its nice to talk to them about our favorite sports teams. I also post a lot about the Pittsburgh sports teams on facebook, that way family or friends can start a conversation with about whatever I had posted. I also post videos of myself playing guitar, because I like express myself with music.

My social media accounts are a great representation of what kind of person I am. I dont like to think that they define me, because I am not always posting everyday, but it would be a great way to get to know who I am. I dont think I have a certain standard to uphold in social media, its not that big of a thing, its just nice to have something that helps you keep up with the world. I would still get the job, I usually try to keep it pretty clean on my accounts and I believe I would still get the job.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Don't You Forget About Me

My song is Don't You Forget About Me, by the Simple Minds. This song is mostly know for its major appearance in the movie called the Breakfast Club. To understand the song you first have to understand what is going on in the movie. The movie is about these kids who are in high school and attending saturday school, for various but important reasons. They all come from a different group of people, so this means that they would never normally talk to each other. This saturday school experience brings together the group of kids, from the deep conversations they have and also the fun that they have together. At the end of the movie one kid asks if they were going to talk to each other, come monday when they are back at school. Most of them are unsure that they will even look at each other again. As much as they want to talk to each other, they feel pressured by the peers in their group to avoid the ones who do not belong with them. Now with this explanation of the movie, the song blatantly says "dont you, forget about me", which could easily be seen as the kids in saturday school not wanting to let go of the experience that have they associating themselves with other groups of kids. Other lyrics such as "will you recognize me? Call my name or walk on by.", reiterate the fact that they may not converse with each other when the next school week starts. Now, looking at the lyrics with out reference to the movie, it could be seen as a different meaning. By just watching the music video and listening to the song, it sounds just like your typical British 1980's pop-love song. When he says the word "baby", it makes it seem more like its about a girl that he wants back, or one that he has not had yet.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Flapper to Rappers

I think the use of the modern rap music was great for the movie since it did come out in 2013. By this, I mean a lot of the younger crowd today will listen to this music just as young adults would listen to jazz in the 1920's. Another connection is how back in the gilded age jazz was looked at as the music that should be frowned upon, just as rap could be looked at as frowned upon in this era. For the movie, although it looked like it was in the 20's, the music made it feel like it was much more modern.