Monday, September 9, 2013

Process and Product

I think it was actually a good thing for me to get the drafts done early that way I can have more time to revise and read over my paper, this way I can catch grammatical errors and other problems with my paper. Considering, there were a lot of small grammatical errors with my paper it was less of a hassle trying to edit my paper last minute. So I would say required drafts played a big role in the way my paper is turning out. The group workshops were also a very good thing for me, because its always great to have multiple opinions from many different people. It also helped giving opinions to other people because this can help you spot errors in your own paper that you may not have given thought to before. Even if we did not have the required drafts I would have still started my paper early, but I may not have had the time to work on it that I do now. I really do want to emphasize the importance of these required drafts because this gives you an idea of how the process of writing a paper should work.

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